

My polishes are named after my wonderful friends and family. Each and every name has an important significance to me. Each shade of Shimmer is inspired by that person, from favorite colors, things that are reminiscent of that person, and even personal requests from these great ladies. Each and everyone of my Shimmers have shaped and influenced me to become who I am today. In a way, this is my tribute and gratitude towards having so many amazing people in my life.

How I got Started

I am an avid lover of sparkly nails but I never felt that other polishes had enough shimmer. Not enough at least, that one color or brand would make me happy enough to settle for it.  I enjoy the sparkle of glitter polishes and reflective properties of holographic polishes. The goal is to throw all of these characteristics that I enjoy and make it into the ideal polish where I do not have to sacrifice anything. I am quite a greedy nail polish lover. I love creating these unique blends of color that will just form into a foil-like mold on nails.

I have been doing research for years, and my collection is quite eclectic and rather large. Due to my search and often times disappointment, I went ahead and am attempting to create my own line. I love sparkles, shine and color, and this is what I feel nail polish should be for the wearer. I use many types of pigments, glitter and nail lacquer to formulate my creations.

I do try to use high end, quality ingredients in each and every one of my polishes. I look for combinations that mix well and will not degrade the shine and shimmer factor of the polish. I enjoy the density of colors and glitters which form into a foil-like mold upon nails. A good 2-3 coats always does the trick for me. This gives it a great armor which is solid and long lasting, the only downside is the removal process....

And always remember, use a good quality topcoat!

Please let me know if there is anything new that you may like to see. :) I am constantly looking for inspiration.


  1. Well since you glitter of several sizes and shades with either a wee bit of black or blue.

    1. This would definitely be a possibility. :)
      i will work on it, currently finishing up my list of colors.

  2. I really admire you for the fact that you couldn't settle for anything other than exactly the colors you pictured in your mind, that you are now creating your own. You are lovely in sharing your inspirations with us. I think of myself as a nail polish addict as well. I can hardly keep up with my collection. Ha! I myself am in love with all the glitter and shimmer. I just happened to find a website called etsy and I stummbled apon your shop of some of the most breath taking polishes I've ever seen. I am in awe of your ability to capture such magnificent beauty and bottle it up to share with the world. I have to thank you for this. I sent you an email inquiring about your custom made polish and I was suprisd at how fast and friendly you responded to it. I love that I can communicate in this way. It makes the palish that much more special to me. Your talent and inspiration is not lost on me and you now have one more loyal addict.

    1. That is so very sweet for you to say. I appreciate your support and kind words. I hope that you continue to enjoy seeing the new colors as they come out! <3 Shimmer
